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Category: Violin Books - Sheet Music

Home Concert (Revised) By Shinichi Suzuki Violin Part Book Alfred Item: 00-0306S


There are many nice pieces selected by Dr. Suzuki in this book, most of them written for two violins. These pieces can be enjoyed by anybody who is above Volume 3. They can be used for sight-reading, or brothers and sisters or friends can get together and play these pieces for fun. They are wonderful for group recital performances, too. Part I Contents are: Minuet (W. A. Mozart) * March (W. A. Mozart) * Aria in F (W. A. Mozart) * Aria in D (W. A. Mozart) * Slowly Ever Onward (Folk Song) * For He’s a Jolly Good Fellow (Folk Song) * Can You Count the Stars (Folk Song) * Within a Shady Valley (Folk Song) * Sleep, Darling Son (C. M. von Weber) * Down in the Lowlands (Folk Song) * Drinking Song (Folk Song) * Coburger March (German) * Torgauer March (German). Part II Contents are: Aria in G (W. A. Mozart) * Allegro (W. A. Mozart) * Minuet (W. A. Mozart) * Two Polonaises (W. A. Mozart) * Tyrolean Song (Folk Song) * Get Up, Merry Swiss Boy (Folk Song) * Pastorale (G. F. Handel) * Cradle Song (W. A. Mozart) * Poor Orphan Child (R. Schumann) * Minuet (L. van Beethoven) * Minuet for Three Violins (W. A. Mozart).Additional Information

MinuetW. A. Mozart
MarchW. A. Mozart
Aria in FW. A. Mozart
Aria in DW. A. Mozart
Slowly Ever OnwardFolk Song
For He’s a Jolly Good FellowFolk Song
Can You Count the StarsFolk Song
Within a Shady ValleyFolk Song
Sleep, Darling SonC. M. von Weber
Down in the LowlandsFolk Song
Drinking SongFolk Song
Coburger MarchGerman
Torgauer MarchGerman
Part II Contents are: Aria in GW. A. Mozart
AllegroW. A. Mozart
MinuetW. A. Mozart
Two PolonaisesW. A. Mozart
Tyrolean SongFolk Song
Get Up, Merry Swiss BoyFolk Song
PastoraleG. F. Handel
Cradle SongW. A. Mozart
Poor Orphan ChildR. Schumann
MinuetL. van Beethoven
Minuet for Three ViolinsW. A. Mozart


Author:Shinichi Suzuki
Instrumentation:Violin Part
Page Count:32
Item Number:00-0306S
ISBN 10:0-7579-2484-0
ISBN 13:978-0-7579-2484-2

Original price was: $9.99.Current price is: $8.50.

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